Smart Technology for Schools and Colleges.

Transform your school or training into a Smart School using the most robust technology that has every feature you need to run a Digital School or College. The features are almost endless, ranging from online admission to generating digital certificates for your students. Go Digital, Go Smart. Interact with our Demo School HERE

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We have everything you need to transform your school into a Smart School

Our technology is feature-rich with everything you need for your Smart School. These are just but a few of the features you get when you start using this technology.

Live Online Classrooms

Deliver classes remotely within the platform. Just create online classes and the students will see them from their end and on their timetables. The classes are created specifically for an existing class, and only members in that class will be able to join and participate in it. Automated reports on attendance will then be generated immediately and become available for analysis when necessary. You can also access reports for all the previous classes.

QR Attendance

Physical registers are bulky, tedious, error-prone, and outdated. Take daily students' attendance by asking them to scan the QR codes on their ID cards. The scanning can be done using the teacher's phone or any QR scanner and the attendance will be updated instantly and accurately. The records/reports can be accessed anytime on the platform by the teachers or staff who have been granted the privileges to access them. Members of staff can also mark their attendance using their own QR codes.

Stress-free Management

Maintaining technology is a big challenge and time-consuming. However, we will handle all that for you as you focus on the day-to-day management of your physical school as you leverage our smart technology to bring efficiency to your organization. You don't have to worry about hiring technical staff to handle the technology or maintain any servers. That's on us. The dashboard is easy to use and does not require any technical skills since your Admins, Teachers, Accountants, Librarians, and Receptionists can easily operate it and bring efficiency to your school.

Powerfull Fees Management

Management school fees collection with ease. Collect fees online using one of the payment methods on the platform and have the fees deposited directly into your institution's accounts. Send automated fee reminders to parents for defaulted fees. Create different fees for your institution, set fines for late fee payments, and access real-time reports on unpaid and paid fees instantly. There are lots of features to make it easier for the accountant and the admins to manage fee collection and reporting and save time.

ID Card Generator

Generate digital ID cards instantly for students after admission, complete with unique QR codes and ready for printing. Once printed and the students have their physical ID cards with the unique QR codes, they can register their school reporting or class attendance by scanning the QR codes on QR code readers. Teachers can, by themselves, scan the students' QR codes using their phones smartphones fitted with our mobile app. The roll call is instantly reflected on the platform after scanning, and the reports are stored for future reference.

Online Fees Payment and Accounting

Collect fees online using one of the payment methods on the platform and have the fees deposited directly into your institution's accounts. Parents can pay fees anywhere and the records are updated instantly without manual verifications and approvals. They can also see how much fee balance they owe your school. Accountants can see detailed reports on the revenue and expenses of the institution and update the same. You basically get accounting software for your different bank accounts, and you can generate financial reports for the different accounts.

Internal Messaging Platform

You can communicate instantly with your organization's stakeholders using the inbuilt messaging platform. Send and receive messages from Admins, Accountants, Teachers, Librarians, Receptionists, Parents, and Students.

Bulk SMS and Emails

Send bulk SMS or emails to parents whenever there is an important communication from the institution. You can also send them individual messages. You can also send birthday wishes to staff members and students. The feature also allows you to schedule messages and they will be automatically sent on the scheduled day.

Online Exams, Assignments, and Homework

Set online exams and tests. You can set the type of exams and answers such as having students type their answers, multiple choices, or both. Issue assignments and homework online and have the students submit the answers online. For multiple-choice answers, the system automatically marks the exams/homework/assignments and gives the grade instantly. For typed answers, the teacher marks and gives the grades manually. You can also create a Questions Bank for your exams for future use. You can also generate positions of students based on their results

Endless Features

The features are almost endless, and they cannot all fit in this space. Try this Technology and experience all the features.


Pricing Plan

The Ultimate plan is charged per student, and there is no limit on the minimum or maximum number of students. Please, contact us on how to get the Ultimate plan.

Trial Plan
$0.0/ 30 Days
  • Student Limit : 1000
  • Parents Limit : 1000
  • Staff Limit : 1000
  • Teacher Limit : 1000
  • Alumni
  • Attachments Book
  • Attendance
  • Bulk Sms And Email
  • Card Management
  • Certificate
  • Custom Domain
  • Events
  • Homework
  • Hostel
  • Human Resource
  • Inventory
  • Library
  • Live Class
  • Multi Class
  • Office Accounting
  • Online Exam
  • Qr Code Attendance
  • Reception
  • Student Accounting
  • Transport
  • Website
Standard (Per School)
$200.0/ 4 Months
  • Student Limit : 2000
  • Parents Limit : 2000
  • Staff Limit : 200
  • Teacher Limit : 200
  • Alumni
  • Attachments Book
  • Attendance
  • Bulk Sms And Email
  • Card Management
  • Certificate
  • Custom Domain
  • Events
  • Homework
  • Hostel
  • Human Resource
  • Inventory
  • Library
  • Live Class
  • Multi Class
  • Office Accounting
  • Online Exam
  • Qr Code Attendance
  • Reception
  • Student Accounting
  • Transport
  • Website


Frequently Asked Questions

Check these frequently asked questions. If your question(s) is not among these, please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to respond.

We give full access to all the features currently available on the platform, and all future additions.

This is the website on which you want the platform to run. If your institution already has a running website, we link the website with the platform so that your stakeholders access the platform using your website. If you do not have a website, then we get you a custom domain for your institution. We will manage all that for you.

We store all the information in cloud servers with daily backups. This ensures that there is no loss of data, and the same can be retrieved anytime.

No, you do not need a programmer to manage the platform since it is easy to use and straightforward. We manage all the backend work from coding to maintenance and updates.

Yes, we offer full training on how to manage and use the platform. This is for all users: Admins, Teachers, Parents, Students, Accountants, Librarians, and Receptionists. 

The prices vary based on the institutions' requirements. Please, contact us at +254 781 222 220 or for accurate pricing.

Please contact us at +254 781 222 220 or

Book a Demo

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+254 (0) 202 566666



Bliss Park Apts C604, Limuru Rd, Nairobi Kenya